Below you will find a list of resources, all of which have been compiled for your information. Please go to News and Views to suggest other useful resources for inclusion, or to leave comments.
A trusted and valued resource for scientific analysis and support to stakeholders and state agencies in the development and implementation of economically viable agricultural practices that optimize environmental and public health.
The Department is developing a comprehensive strategy centered on voluntary incentives that is inclusive for all agricultural producers, landowners, and communities, and that builds on the 90-Day Progress Report on Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry.
CAN is a coalition of sustainable and organic farming organizations that advocate for state and federal policies to ensure the resilience of California farms and ranches in the face of climate change.
ALBA creates opportunities for low-income field laborers through land-based training in organic farm management, helping them advance their careers or pursue the dream of farm ownership.
The Farmland Information Center (FIC) is a clearinghouse for information about farmland protection that serves people working to save farmland and ranchland for agriculture. It is a project of American Farmland Trust (AFT) maintained on behalf of and with support from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
University of California, Davis has taken to answering some questions about the connection between climate and agriculture through a compilation of information about sustainable agricultural practices.
An intersectional coalition that works for justice and collective liberation of their food and farm systems as a non-profit with multiple chapters. They champion policies that resource connections to the land and foster their health in the face of climate crisis.
The Sustainable Food Lab was launched in 2004 as a non-profit organization to create a sustainable food system by helping organizations turn ideas into action.
The Stewardship Index for Specialty Crops (SISC) is a multi-stakeholder initiative dedicated to developing tools for measuring sustainable performance across specialty crop (all fruit, nut and vegetable) supply chains.
The California Climate Hub has partnered with the Working Lands Innovation Center to create a fact sheet series exploring the relationship between carbon farming, soil health, and soil amendments on California croplands and rangelands.
The Carbon Farming Network (CF Network), composed of 40 resource conservation districts (RCDs) across California’s diverse agroecological landscape and the Carbon Cycle Institute, seeks investment of $9.6 million over three years to build the capacity of its seven (7) Regional Carbon Farming Hubs.